Micro-Sluice Junior (Econo model)
The lightweight (3lbs) back-packable Economy Model Micro-Sluice Jr. does not come with a bucket. It does come with Drilling Instructions for your bucket. The unit will process dry or wet concentrates at the rate of over 2 gallons per hour and will retain more than 95% of all visible gold. A high efficiency 400 GPH, marine pump using only 1.0 amps x 12 VDC, allows 30-40 hours of operation on a single car battery. The Economy Model Micro-Sluice Jr. is 100% field portable with 8-10 hours of run time on a motorcycle battery (battery is not included).
The Economy Model Micro-Sluice Jr. is ideal for dry or desert use as a wet recycler. Up to 1/4 cu. yd. of material can be processed with only 5-10 gallons of water via use of the exclusive “float-mounted pump”.
Now an industry standard, our pioneered vee-groove rubber mat allows for an instant check so you can see your gold! The Economy Model Micro-Sluice Jr. patented technology uses a custom molded wide, flat bottom to assure maximum recovery of all of your gold.
The Economy Model Micro-Sluice Jr. has a 7” wash-down tube provided to flush out your gold pan or sample bottle and for final clean out. The float-mounted pump guarantees no lost gold as tailings can be run through again to check for proper operation. The Economy Model Micro-Sluice Jr. will reduce up to l/4 cu. yd. of material into 1-2 tablespoons of “super-concentrates” making the final pan clean-up less than 5 minutes.
Reliability is a hallmark of all products made by Micro-Sluice Gold Products.
Over 3,900 Micro-Sluice units have been sold in 16 countries over the last seventeen years!
Standard Unit Includes:
-Panning kit
-Float pump kit
-Hose adapter
(Shipping + tax not included)